RISE OF THE SAINTS is an upcoming thriller produced by Grand Redemption Platform and co-produced by Accelerate TV. It features Rachel Oniga, Tina Mba, Peter Fatomilola, and Deyemi Okonlawon alongside Teleola Kuponiyi – a new actor in the lead role.

SYNOPSIS: Rise of the Saints is a movie inspired by the story of Moremi Ajasoro, warrior Queen of Ife who delivers her people from destruction in the hands of her sworn nemesis Jagan.

In the present, her prophesied son is manifest in Luke, a young aspiring music artiste. Orphaned at birth and raised by his aunt, Luke is suddenly plunged into a battle of two worlds; of light and darkness. He joins forces with The Saints, a group of people charged with the duty of protecting the legacy of Moremi, and together they must employ all their wits to defeat the ferocious warlord, Jagan.

Amidst all, Luke has no choice but to take the biggest test of his life; choose between a destiny of honour or his dazzling dream of music and fame

The movie is set to release in Nigerian cinemas on October 9, 2020


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